Healthy parrot shop guarantees that the birds will be healthy and free of parasites and disease at the time of delivery. We guarantee that the birds will not have any congenital defects, pathogenic bacterial infections, fungal infections, or viral infections.

To ensure that the birds are in good health, the buyer is strongly encouraged to have them examined by a licensed avian veterinarian of their choice within three business days of delivery. All laboratory tests and results must be provided to Worldwide Exotic Parrotsfarm’s attending veterinarian, who must agree with the diagnosis, if the bird(s) are found to have a condition that affects their health or well-being during this time. Healthy parrot shop reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to replace the purchased birds with those of the same species, sex (if known), and approximate age after verification of this condition and the birds’ return. If the leg band(s) is removed, this guarantee is null and void.

The buyer acknowledges and agrees that the sale is made “as is” if the bird(s) are not examined by a veterinarian within the stipulated three days of delivery.

Maintaining a healthy alignment for parrots is essential for their overall well-being. Here are some guidelines to promote good alignment in parrots:

Proper Perch Placement: Ensure that perches within the parrot’s cage are appropriately positioned. The perches should be of varying diameters to encourage the natural gripping and exercise of their feet. Also, place the perches at different heights to encourage movement and prevent constant pressure on specific joints.

Cage Size: Provide a spacious cage that allows the parrot to move around freely. A larger cage promotes exercise and prevents joint stiffness. Parrots should be able to extend their wings fully without touching the cage bars.

Climbing Opportunities: Offer opportunities for climbing and exploration. Parrots are natural climbers, and providing them with ladders, ropes, or branches inside the cage or in a designated play area outside the cage can help them exercise and maintain proper alignment.

Balanced Diet: Ensure your parrot’s diet is nutritionally balanced. A well-balanced diet helps prevent obesity, which can put strain on joints. Consult with an avian veterinarian or avian nutritionist to determine the appropriate diet for your specific parrot species.

Regular Exercise: Encourage regular exercise outside the cage under supervision. Allow your parrot to fly or provide a safe area for them to explore and play. Physical activity helps maintain muscle tone and joint flexibility.

Avoidance of Prolonged Repetitive Motions: Discourage repetitive motions that can strain joints, such as excessive swinging on a single perch or repeatedly hanging from cage bars. These activities may lead to joint stress or misalignment over time.

Veterinary Check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with an avian veterinarian to monitor your parrot’s overall health, including joint health. Early detection of any potential joint issues can help prevent further complications.

Remember, each species of parrot may have unique needs and preferences. It’s important to research and understand the specific requirements for your parrot’s breed to ensure their optimal health and alignment.